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Promoting Your Gigs on Social Media
Promoting Your Gigs on Social Media

Your friends and family are always your core fanbase when you are starting out. But getting people you don’t know to come out to your gigs is a never-ending challenge. This article will provide tips on getting people interested in attending your gigs.

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Pros and Cons of Live Streaming Your Gig
Pros and Cons of Live Streaming Your Gig

Live streaming is a great way to allow fans to see your gig when they can’t attend in person due to scheduling issues or not being in the vicinity. But it can also prevent people from attending in person if they are able to view the show without leaving home. This doesn’t help you fill the seats at the venue. So, we’ll talk about the delicate balance of how, when, and where to make use of live streaming.

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How to Buy Your First Sound System
How to Buy Your First Sound System

This author started playing in a band in the late 80s. The best we had for a PA system was an old tube amp that had a microphone input. When we realized we needed a real PA system, we envisioned a powered mixer and passive speakers. And that’s what we bought, but it was all used gear and it was “store brand” stuff. This generic gear is all we could afford, and the quality was subpar. 

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