June 13, 2018
In our last article, we discussed how to prepare for your video shoot and assemble some of your crucial marketing tools. Next, you need to produce your EPK and supplemental marketing materials so that your band comes across like experienced professionals.
Pulling Together Your Video
When you plan your video shoot, load the set list with all blockbusters, no exceptions. Some of these should be those songs all the popular bands are playing, plus a couple great songs that set you apart (choose songs you really sound great playing). Plan to record at least a full set worth of songs so you can edit out the best three or four songs for the final edit. After the show, have your video editor combine the most exciting and recognizable parts of each song, but keep the clips short- club managers have notoriously short attention spans. Between 30-60 seconds of each song's main hook should be good. Have your editor put in some text throughout, including the band name at the head, and a couple marketing blurbs later on such as, "Dance Kings (insert band name here) play a wide variety of the most popular dance hits to keep your audience on their feet."
Don't Skimp on Your Electronic Press Kit (EPK) and Supplemental Marketing
When you are finished, you should have a really slick, professional video of your band playing live with a big crowd, that is no longer than the length of a popular hit song; three or four minutes total. You'll also want to invite a couple really great photographers to take some live action shots of the band members to add to the video in your finished EPK. Get the same photographers to shoot some black and white promos of the band and print them out on glossy 8"x10" stock. Order business cards with your logo, contact info, and web address. Many venues still like to post black and white promo shots to advertise the shows, and even though they are less in demand than they once were, you don't want to be caught flat-footed if an old-school booking manager asks for them. Staple your business card in the corner of the photo so it can also serve as your calling card when you begin reaching out to venues looking for gigs.
When you have all your material gathered together, you can import it into an EPK template (web search for EPK template). Your finished EPK should contain the edited live video, the best of your action photos, a comprehensive set list, your website address and booking info, and a few great fan reviews (it is entirely legitimate to solicit these from your friends). There are now many user-friendly websites that simplify putting this all together, and most of them also offer hosting for your website. Invest the few dollars it costs to get a domain name as close to the band name as possible. Social Media is also prime outlet to market your band. Like your banner, a webpage and social media page make it easier for your fans to find you. Put your EPK on your website so you can provide links to club managers interested in booking you. It is also a good idea to get some cheap flash drives with the band logo on them from a logo supply store with your EPK on them. We live in an era where putting together a slick marketing package is within everyone's grasp. If you don't bother to look professional, your competitors will probably eat your lunch. Go the extra mile now, and it will manifest in extra dollars (and better gigs) down the road.
"But We Haven't Even Played a Gig Yet!"
If you are thinking, "Wow, this is a lot of work," you're absolutely right. You didn't expect it would be easy to create and sell the coolest band in town, did you? As you get closer to starting your marketing push, you will probably start to get excited to see just how impressive your package is going to be. Now you understand why we spent so much time creating a killer band, because you are going to sell it like it is the hottest new trend in local entertainment, and these tools will convey exactly that same message. In our next article, we'll see how to put these tools to use building your brand and getting into the best rooms in town. For now, congratulate yourself on an effort worthy of all the years you've invested in becoming a great musician. You've done your homework, and while it isn't exactly all downhill from here, you can be confident that your product will be competitive in one of the toughest industries around!
January 09, 2025
I once asked blues legend Walter Trout why he still plays his well-worn vintage Strat. The technology exists to digitally scan the guitar and make very accurate replicas. His response was he could leave it at home, but then it will never be played. Plus, someone could steal it from his home. At least the guitar is with him and he has the pleasure of playing it. But this may not be the same for everyone.
December 09, 2024
With modern day effects, it is possible to easily replicate guitar tones from early rock and roll in the 1950s to modern hard rock or metal.
October 25, 2024
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