August 09, 2018
If you have ever tripped over your own guitar or microphone cable, accidentally unplugged yourself, or if you have become frustrated by running out of room to move on stage, a wireless system might be a worthwhile investment in your music. Over short distances, an audio cable is a simple solution. However, even high quality musical instrument cables can start to degrade your sound in lengths beyond about 20 feet. The cheaper the cable, the more noise can infiltrate your instrument signal, and the more cable capacitance can rob your tone of the crucial high frequencies that give your sound the clarity and definition you need to punch through a loud mix. Maybe you have been considering adding a wireless system to your rig. While some advantages of wireless are self-evident, others might not be upon first consideration. So let us take a little time and look at What Wireless Can Do for You.
Freedom of movement on stage
A wireless unit for your guitarist or vocalist can offer unprecedented freedom of movement on stage. Smaller stages that aren't especially crowded don't pose much of a problem for cables, but as the stage gets larger or becomes too crowded to navigate easily, a wireless system can be a real boon. Without a cable dragging behind you, it is easier to move around without cable tangles. You no longer have a "leash" of limited length that chains you to your corner of the stage. With this freedom of movement, dynamic shows that take you all over the stage are possible. Active performers add an element of excitement for your audience too. Eddie Van Halen's death-defying leaps off the amp stacks wouldn't have been possible (or safe) without a wireless. Another nice benefit of a wireless is that you will no longer have to manage your cable as you move around. Cables can snag on floor monitors, mic and guitar stands, drum hardware and occasionally other performers (with not-so-comical results). In addition, anytime a cord snags, there is a real chance of damage to your equipment. A good wireless eliminates all these worries entirely, and that's a benefit to your show worth investing in.
Take your performance to your audience
Today's audiences demand audience interaction at unprecedented levels. Your show is no longer limited to the confines of the stage. With wireless, you can step right up to your audience and make them feel like part of the show. Even better, you can actually give them a chance to participate by singing along with the band. The more your audience feels a part of the show, the more likely they are to return next time you come to town. Do you have a highly charismatic front person? Imagine how impressive it is when they sing a song face-to-face with the audience!
Take your performance to the audience with the Carvin Audio UX1200MC Wireless Handheld Microphone System
Make a big entrance
Another option for wireless-equipped acts is to have band members enter the stage right through the audience. This creates an element of surprise that elevates the energy level of the audience and gives them a chance to see your performers up close no matter where they are seated in the room.
Wireless provides a buffer to prevent loading guitar pickups
A wireless system allows you to maintain audio quality at greater distance from your amplifier than a cable can offer. Maybe you have incorporated a long cable into your sound, like Albert Collins' with his single-coil guitar pickups and bright clean amplifier. The capacitance of his 50' cable balances out the excess high frequencies produced by his guitar and amp choice. Yet most of us prefer to have the option to get brighter sounds, and a full-range connection gives the player more control. A quality wireless also provides a buffer between your guitar and the gear that follows, reducing the impedance loading that some cables and effects boxes create.
Take your guitar wireless with the WG5 Wireless Guitar/Bass System or the UX1200BGT Wireless Guitar/Bass System
Evaluate the mix from front of the house
If you mix your own sound from stage, a wireless can give you the ability to step out front and listen to the mix while playing along with the band. With some basic hand signals, you can easily communicate with the band on stage in order to adjust your mix, and changes at the board can be monitored in real time.
Think of a wireless system as a versatile problem-solver and a great investment in your stage show. Carvin Audio offers top-quality, affordable wireless systems with a wide variety of options for you to choose. Look at our wireless systems today, and find out first hand how useful these units can be in creating a dynamic show. What creative applications have you found for wireless? Let us know in the comments.
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